✓ FREE previews & unlimited revisions
✓ Crafted by a professional Artist
✓ Safe and Secure Checkout

(8,453 Reviews)

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Upload your photos
Choose and upload one or more photos.

Approve your artwork & unlimited revisions
Our world-class Artists combine and create a single beautiful, digitalized masterpiece from your photos. Approve it or ask for revisions until your 100% happy!

We ship it fast & FREE
Time for you to sit back and relax while we ship your portrait to your doorstep fast & FREE.
We’re sure you’ll like it, we offer 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Choose and upload your desired photo

Our world-class Artists combine and create a single beautiful, digitalized masterpiece from your photos.

Time for you to sit back and relax while we ship your portrait to your doorstep fast & FREE.
We’re sure you’ll like it, we offer 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We want you to be 100% satisfied with your Portrait. If anything doesn’t meet your expectations we’ll make it right.
That is our promise
Gift cherished memories with our EpicPaint gift cards. Email them to your loved ones, allowing them to craft their own portrait – a truly unique and meaningful gift.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the sizes of Portraits available?
Are EpicPaint Portraits made by professional artists?
Each EpicPaint portrait is custom made by real artists using proprietary digital painting techniques. This means that a dedicated professional artist will tailor make your Portrait so each Portrait is unique.
What if I don’t have high quality photos?
Choosing good quality photos increase the probability our artists will get all the details just right. Don’t worry though – we can deal with almost any photo and if there are any problems, our team will contact you and find a solution.
Do I get to preview and approve my Portrait?
EpicPaint allows you to preview and approve your Portrait or ask for revisions before we move to production. When close to deadlines the preview option is removed in order to make sure your order will be delivered on time.
What does EpicPaint’s 100% Satisfaction Guarantee include?
Here at EpicPaint we work diligently to assure our clients absolutely love their Custom Portraits. If in any case you are not 100% satisfied, please contact us so we can make it right!